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Founded in 1980

he first state-level medical history society to have a website.  Our goal is to promote interest, research, and writing in medical history, and we are dedicated to the discussion and enjoyment of the history of medicine and allied fields.


Guidelines for Online Publications


Original Articles

Types of material potentially suitable for online publication (Material should not have been previously published elsewhere)

    • Original articles on medical history topics
    • Manuscripts of oral presentations at MHSNJ programs
    • Manuscripts of oral presentations at programs of other medical history organizations
    • Manuscripts of oral presentations at other academic programs, such as Grand Rounds

Process for submission of material

    • Manuscripts of original articles should be submitted via email attachment to Vincent J.Cirillo, PhD at .
    • All material will be reviewed by the MHSNJ Website Publications Committee. The Publications Committee will confer with others, at its discretion.
    • Only original material that has not been published elsewhere will be eligible for acceptance. Illustrations must cite original source and, where appropriate,  indicate that permission for reproduction has been obtained. Copyright obligations will be honored.

Book Reviews

Books eligible for review

    • Topics in medical history, perhaps with a focus on New Jersey
    • Books written by members of MHSNJ
    • Timely publication, usually within 6-12 months, although exceptions could be made for particularly noteworthy items

Ordinarily, books to be reviewed will not be assigned; however, members wishing to review a particular book should make their interest known to the book review editor, in order to preclude irrelevancy or duplication.  Suggestions for specific book reviews and/or particular reviewers will be welcomed.  Book reviews should be completed in a timely manner. 

Suggested construction of book reviews

Book reviews may range from 250-750 words.  It is more important, however, to write a clear review, containing sufficient information for potential readers, than to adhere to a particular word count.  The purpose of a book review is to stimulate and engage the potential reader, not to act as a substitute for reading the book (!)

Process for submission of material

Submit reviews via email attachment to Alan Lippman, MD, the book review editor, at .  

Book reviews submitted for consideration of publication will be reviewed by the book review editor and by other members who may be consulted for advice and assistance.  Reviews deemed worthy of publication will be posted in a timely fashion.  Those determined to be not suitable will be returned to the writer.

Opinions expressed by writers of reviews are solely those of their authors and do not represent the opinion of the MHSNJ at large.

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